Connecting the dots
The premiere newborn screening education system

Why you will choose this service
Connecting the Dots (CTD) provides
a comprehensive clinical newborn screening (NBS) education curriculum for nurses in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), birthing hospitals, well-baby nurseries, public health departments and NBS state laboratories.
Identifying knowledge gaps
about current NBS requirements and procedures helps determine the effectiveness of innovative educational solutions in promoting nurses’ compliance.
We strive to provide
a clinically proven, evidence-based educational program uniquely adaptable to each institution and/or hospital with

The Littlest of Heroes
In the United States, about 2,000 babies are born each year with Sickle Cell disease. In Sierra Leone, a small country in West Africa, the number is 5,000 babies. Interestingly, the fate of these babies is largely determined even before they are born. Up to 90 percent of the babies will die before their 5th birthday because of anemia, malaria and bacterial infections. Overcoming these health challenges for babies with sickle cell disease only require small feasible steps like early screening at birth, regular use of penicillin, folic acid, vitamins […]

Newborn Screening from a nurse perspective
Leslie’s newborn screening (NBS) experience started when she was working as a unit secretary at a birthing hospital. She was still in nursing school. Her job was to complete the NBS filter cards for every newborn. A few years later, Leslie finished nursing school and started working at a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). In […]

Connecting the dots through newborn screening
Laozi, a renown philosopher, stated that, the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. I appreciate this sentiment more each day as I continue on my life’s journey, which is full of experiences, challenges, and lifelong perseverance that coincide with my work in newborn screening. My perspective on newborn screening is shaped by […]